Ham Radio Bootcamp

What is Ham Radio Bootcamp

What experienced amateurs are Saying

Ham Radio Bootcamp Schedule

Our Mission

Our Goal

"I have been a ham for a long time but I have had the most fun and learned the latest stuff at the W4DXCC by SEDCO convention and will return again!"
—Dave, W0DR

Bootcamp Registration Opens in Lobby 
at 0800  Friday, September 29th, 2023


Ham Radio Bootcamp is a day long classroom session taught by experienced Amateur Radio Operators who explain all of the aspects of setting up your HF station and learning to operate it properly.  The session includes some hands on.  This session is ideal for the new amateur radio operator as well as the amateur who has been licensed for a while.  This is sure to enlighten even the experienced amateur radio operator.


This session is included with your W4DXCC Convention registration FREE and is held Friday starting at 0830.  There is an hour and half break for lunch.  


A new amateur radio operator needs an Elmer, someone who can show them the ropes.  The hardest part of a new hobby is to learn what and how to do the correct thing.  Our goal is to be that Elmer for the new amateur and an Elder to the experienced amateur.


By the end of the day Friday we hope that everyone who attends will be able to:

--   Set up an HF station

--   Build, erect, and test the HF antenna

--  Make an HF QSO and log it properly

--  Learn how to work DX and Contest on HF


 This may be a tall order but we feel confident we can accomplish our goal.  Tell your young amateur radio operator friends to attend the class all day Friday and we will show them how to become a Ham.


Bootcamp Schedule 

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