The SEDCO Story
Our Story
The SouthEastern DX and Contesting Organization (SEDCO) is a non-profit organization, founded for one reason
. . . to bring DXers and Contesters together in fellowship.

SEDCO was organized in early 2005 by Lynn, W4NL (SK), Rosie, KA4S, and George, W4UWC. Our convention was planned to coincide with the Ten-Tec Hamfest held each fall. The first SEDCO convention was held on Oct. 1, 2005 at the MainStay Suites in Pigeon Forge, TN. It was a resounding success with a star-studded cast of speakers who dedicated their time and money to share their experiences and knowledge. No words can express their valuable contribution.
In 2009 one of our rocks, Dennis, K7BV, suggested that SEDCO had earned the right to be called W4DXCC. This was immediately accomplished, and so it is today.
In 2012 the reigns of the W4DXCC program were placed in the very capable hands of Dave K4SV. Dave's many years of experience, intuitive management, and willingness to lead will provide our group with excellent direction for years to come.
From the very beginning we received experienced leadership and support from our ROCKS and we gratefully acknowledge their contributions:
Scott Robbins, W4PA, TCG
Carl Smith, N4AA (SK), NCDXCC
Dave Anderson, K4SV, NCDXCC
Ted Bryant, W4NZ, TCG
Bob Allphin, K4UEE, SEDXC
Phil Florig, W9IXX, NCDXCC
David Bower, K4PZT, ETDXA, advisor and chief photographer
We have also received immeasurable support from many DX and Contesting organizations and would like to acknowledge them as well:
Come join the SEDCO conventions, be part of the fellowship, spend some good times with old buddies, make new buddies and learn from some of our best.