W4DXCC DX and Contest Convention 2024
Fun and Fellowship
Convention Schedule Snapshot

Thursday August 15th
0800 - 1700 W4DXCC Convention
1700 - 1830 Pizza Party
1830 - 2100 Fellowship Social Hour and
Social Hangout
W4DXCC DX and Contest Convention has been meeting every year for the past 18 years welcoming hams from around the world. Our goal is simple, provide a place where all hams can come and enjoy fellowship with other hams and share our experiences.
Starting in 2024 W4DXCC will be in Huntsville Alabama and co-inciding with the yearly Huntsville Hamfest that is a two day event in the Von Braun Center South Hall. Currently just a one day event will soon be part of the hamfest with a partnership with the Hamfest.
K4MIE Ham Shack
The Ham Shack will be open during the Convention and right in the main floor area. Come and play with the latest radio gear and you might just work a new country!