Ticket and Prize Rules
Ticket and Prize Rules

Convention Tickets
- Each paid admission gets one entry into the convention
- Each paid admission includes drinks and snacks during the convention on Thursday
- Each paid admission receives a ticket to be entered for prizes drawn throughout the day
Special Raffle Tickets
Special Raffle ticket proceeds go directly to DX and Contesting activities. All of the money received goes directly to supporting DX and contest activities.
- Special Raffle Tickets can only be purchased with paid convention admission
- Prizes will be drawn after the Covention has concluded
- Not required to be present to win, but who would miss the fun!
-- We reserve the right to Modify
schedules, presentations and other convention activities.
-- Prices and specifications subject to change without notice
-- All prize decisions are final
-- All scheduled presentation times are approximate and may change
-- Video Recording of the presentations Strictly Prohibited
Send Checks as Follows
Send your checks payable to W4DXCC by SEDCO
W4DXCC Convention
13063 Oliver Lane
Madison, AL 35756
Phone 609-489-1878